(Strengthening International Relations for Sustainable Development in Azerbaijan)
15-17 AUGUST 2024
Lerik / Azerbaijan
Baku Eurasia University (Azerbaijan)
Institute of economic development and social research
İKSAD (Turkey)
(Online and face-to-face participation)

Prof. Dr. Nazim HUSEYNLI
Rector of Baku Eurasia University

Prof. Dr. Gulzar İBRAHİMOVA
Vice-rector of
Baku Eurasia University
Congress Organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof. Nigar HUSEYNOVA - Baku Eurasian University
Assoc. Prof. Sayavush GASIMOV - Baku Eurasian University
Prof. Mahira HUSEYNOVA - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Prof. Adalat TAHIRZADE - Baku Eurasian University
Gunhan HUSEYNLI - Baku Eurasian University
Shafahat ALIYEV - Baku Eurasian University
Assoc. Prof. Mutellim RAHIMOV - Baku Eurasian University
Assoc. Prof. Matanat GURBANOVA - Baku Eurasian University
Assoc. Prof. Muslimat ALLAHVERDIYEVA - Baku Eurasian University
Assoc. Prof. Konul HASANOVA - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Dr. Afet HASANOVA - Baku Eurasian University
Dr. Alvan JAFAROV - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Science and Advisory Board
Prof. Elshad MAMMADOV - Baku Eurasian University (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Yadulla HASENLI - Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Veduta Yelena NIKOLAYEVNA - Moscow State University (Russia)
Prof. Jose R. Hernandez - CARRION - University of Valencia (Spain)
Prof. Salih ÖZTÜRK - Namik Kemal University (Turkey)
Prof. Muratgeldi SOYEGOV - University of Turkmenistan-Turkey (Turkmenistan)
Prof. Seher ORUCOVA - Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Fikret TURKMEN - Ege University (Turkey)
Prof. Shuayip KARAKAS - Ankara Gazi University (Turkey)
Prof. Najiya SULTAN - Ankara Gazi University (Turkey)
Prof. Ariuka GELYAYEVA - Kabardino-Balkarian State University. (Kabardin-Balkar / Russia)
Prof. Gulanbar AZIZOVA - Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Mehabbat MAMMADOV - Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Danijela JACIMOVIC - University of Montenegro (Montenegro)
Prof. Nuriddin KAYUMOV - Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (Tajikistan)
Prof. Obidjon KHAMIDOV - Tashkent State University of Economics, (Uzbekistan)
Prof. Makhfirat KOSIMOVA - Tashkent State University of Economics, (Uzbekistan)
Prof. Turar KOYCUEV - National Academy of Sciences, (Kyrgyzstan)
Prof. Nosir MAXMUDOV - Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan)
Prof. Sherzod MUSTAFAGULOV - Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan)
Prof. Tatiana PYSHKINA - Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) (Moldova)
Prof. Farhad RAHMANOV - Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Alishir RASULEV - Institute of Economics, (Uzbekistan)
Prof. Orazali SABDEN - Institute of Economics (Kazakhstan)
Prof. Merim KOICHUEVA - National Academy of Sciences (Kyrgyzstan)
Prof. Euphrasia Susy SUHENDRA - Gunadarma University (Indonesia)
Prof. Ferenec SZAVAI - University of Kaposvár, (Hungary)
Prof. Khojamahmed UMAROV - National University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan)
Prof. Hajifakhraddin SAFARLI – Corresponding member of ANAS (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Yusif HUSEYNOV - Nakhchivan State University (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Teymur ABBASOV – Nakhchivan State University (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Mammad RZAYEV – Nakhchivan State University (Azerbaijan)
Prof. Murat TAŞDAN – Caucasus University (Turkey)
Prof. Hakki CHIFTCHI - Cukurova University (Turkey)
Prof. Emine OZTURK – Caucasus University (Turkey)
Prof. Emine ATAKISHI – Caucasus University (Turkey)
Prof. Onur ATAKISHI – Caucasus University (Turkey)
Assoc. Flora ALASGAROVA - Baku Eurasian University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Agil ASADOV - Baku Eurasian University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Elshad Yusifov - Baku Eurasian University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Adalat ASADOV - Baku Eurasian University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Kamala KAHRAMANOVA - Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Elsever ASADOV - Nakhchivan State University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Konul SAMADOVA - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Zamiq TAHMAZOV - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Nazila ABDULLAZADE - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Gulshan MAHARRAMOVA - Azerbaijan University of Languages (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Sevinj ABBASOVA - Nakhchivan State University. (Azerbaijan)
Assoc. Prof. Murat SARIGUL – Caucasus University (Turkey)
Assoc. Prof. Ercan CENGİZ – Caucasus University (Turkey)
Assoc.Prof. Mukremin ÖLMEZ – Kafkas University (Turkey)
Assoc. Prof. Ozlem ULGER - Batman University (Turkey)
Assoc. Prof. Florian MOBO - Philippine Maritime Academy (Philippines)
Assoc. Prof. Igor KOKH - Kazan Federal University (Russia)
Assoc. Prof. Arzuman HUSEYNOV - Baku Eurasian University (Azerbaijan)
Dr. Aygun MAHARRAMOVA - Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
Dr. Necat FIRST - Istanbul Aydın University (Turkey)
Dr. Yuce KAFKASYA - Erzurum University (Turkey)
Dr. German Martinez PRATS- Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco University (Mexico)
Dr. Tudora ARNAUT - Shevchenko Kyiv State University (Ukraine)
Topics covered by the conference:
The conference is open to all subjects.
A special room will be opened for topics related to "sustainable development".
Note: A Special Bus Tour will be organized for the Conference to be held in LERIK region. Those who want to participate live in the conference should register by writing to the following WhatsApp number. Whatsapp: +994 77 331 98 24, +994 77 377 76 22
Congress Calendar
The last day for the submission of theses is August 7, 2024
Payment date - August 8 - 12, 2024
Announcement of the Congress program - August 13, 2024
Congress dates - August 15 -17, 2024
The deadline for submission of full texts is August 23, 2024
Publication of the Book of Congress - 10 September 2024
You must apply to our congress by sending an abstract first. The summary evaluation process takes a maximum of 3 days. The result of the evaluation is notified to the author without delay. Your abstracts should be between 200-300 words. You can send your theses in word/doc format to azerbaijansciences@gmail.com until 7 August 2024 at the latest.
FULL TEXT Submission
There is requirement for a full text in our congress. You must send your FULL TEXTS to azerbaijansciences@gmail.com until August 23, 2024 at the latest.
Full Text Writing Rules
- Write in Times new roman, 12 pt. (The article title, author names, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and keywords should all be 12 pt. For parts such as graphics and tables, the author's font size can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)
- Give line spacing 1.25
- Do not indent from the left at the beginning of paragraphs
- Main headings should be written in CAPITAL letters and in bold
- Citation and Bibliography should be arranged in APA style
- Your full texts must be at least 5 pages
- SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH AND FINDINGS, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES sections should be shown under separate headings in your full texts.
Associate Professorship and Academic Incentive
Our congress is an international, refereed scientific event. Researchers and academicians from 9 countries will attend our congress, which has an international status and meets the criteria for academic promotion (including associate professorship) and incentives.
Participation Fee
Online participation with a single paper for participants from Azerbaijan 50 AZN
Online participation with two papers for participants from Azerbaijan 75 AZN
Online participation with a single statement for participants from Turkey and abroad 800 TL
Online participation with two papers for participants from Turkey and abroad 1000 TL
Participation in the congress is free of charge.
In order to be included in the face-to-face participation program from abroad, a copy of your flight ticket must be sent to us by e-mail until 10 August 2024 at the latest.
Transportation, accommodation and other expenses belong to the participants.
Form of Participation and Presentation
Online participation: Our participants will make their presentations live through the Zoom program.
Zoom login information and password will be published together with the congress program.
Face-to-face participation: Lerik district
Note: The Congress will be held at ADPU Campus in Sheki, Azerbaijan.
Form of Participation and Presentation
Online participation: Our participants will make their presentations live through the Zoom program.
Zoom login information and password will be published together with the congress program.
İmamhuseyn SEFIYEV
Tel.://Vats.: +994 77 331 98 24
Tel.://Vats.: +994 77 377 76 22