
November 29-30, 2022
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
(Online and face-to-face participation)
Conference Organizing Committee
Prof. Mahira Huseynova - ADPU vice-rector for international relations
Konul Hasanova - ADPU Philology Faculty Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs
Assoc. Konul Samadova - head of the modern Azerbaijani language department of ADPU
Assoc. Irada Karimova - head of the Azerbaijani Linguistics Department of ADPU
Prof. Ibrahim Bayramov - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Prof. Mirvari Ismayilova – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Prof. Hajar Huseynova – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Vagif Israfilov - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Yegane Kahramanova - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Elshad Abishov - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Zamiq Tahmazov – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Sevinj Sadygova – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
head teacher Tarana Naghiyeva - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
head teacher Khatira Aliyeva - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Teacher Osman Ahmadzade – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Teacher Nazrin Ismayilova - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Aynura Aliyeva– Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Conference Science Committee
Prof. Isa Habibbayli – Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS
Prof. Nadir Mammadli – Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS
Prof. Mukhtar Imanov – Folklore Institute of ANAS
Prof. Ramazan Gafarli – Folklore Institute of ANAS
Prof. Amanbay Moldibaev – Taraz State Pedagogical University
Prof. Dilorom Salahiy – Semarkant State University
Prof. Akmaral Sargıkbaeva – Al Farabi Kazakh National University
Prof. Ibrahim Hakgulov – Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
Prof. Mehmet Şükrü Güzel – Center for Peace and Reconciliation, Sweden
Prof. Alfiye Yusupova – Tatarstan, Kazan Federal University
Prof. Firdovsi Samiddinova, Bashkortostan
Prof. Gazanfar Kazimov – Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS
Prof. Seyfeddin Rzasoy – Folklore Institute of ANAS
Prof. Aslan Bayramov – Sumgayit State University
Prof. Ilhama Hajiyeva – Baku State University
Prof. Maharram Mammadov – Baku State University
Prof. Ismayil Kazimov – Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi ANAS
Prof. Habib Zarbaliyev – Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi ANAS
Prof. Nizami Mammadov – Baku Slavic University
Prof. Sayalı Sadıgova – Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS
Prof. Rustam Kemal - Baku Slavic University
Prof. Yagub Babayev - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Kifayat Imanguliyeva – Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS
Assoc. Aygün Bagırlı – Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS
Assoc. Konul Samadova – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Irada Karimova - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Nazila Abdulazade - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Razim Mammadov – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Sevda Abbasova – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Pari Pashayeva – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Assoc. Gulshan MAHARRAMOVA - Azerbaijan University of Languages
Dr. Aygun MEHERREMOVA - Baku State University
Conference Calendar
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts - November 15, 2022
Deadline for Payment of Participation Fee- November 18, 2022
Announcement of the Conferece Program - November 22, 2022
Deadline for Submitting Full Texts - December 05, 2022
Publication of Proceeding Book - December 20, 2022
Abstract Submission
You must apply to our congress by sending an abstract. The summary evaluation process takes at most 5 days. The author is informed of the result of the evaluation without delay. Your abstracts should be between 200-300 words. You can submit your abstracts in word/doc format until November 15, 2022 at the latest. hasanmirze95kongre@gmail.com
FULL TEXT Submission
There is no requirement for a full text in our conference. If you want to have your full texts published in the congress book, after your abstract is accepted, you can submit your FULL TEXT until December 05, 2022 at the latest. hasanmirze95kongre@gmail.com
Full Text Writing Rules
- Write in Times new roman, 12 pt (Article title, author names, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and keywords should all be 12 pt. The author's font size for parts such as graphics and tables can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)
- Give line spacing 1.25
- Do not indent from the left at the beginning of paragraphs
- Main headings should be written in CAPITAL letters and in bold
- Citation and Bibliography should be arranged in APA style
- Your full texts must be at least 5 pages
- SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH AND FINDINGS, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES sections should be shown under separate headings in your full texts.
Participation Fee
Fee: $40
For Azerbaijani participants: 50 manats
All ADPU employees, doctoral students and masters will participate free of charge
Will be added here on November 10, 2022
What Does the Participation Fee Cover?
Certificate of participation for all authors, publication of abstracts and full texts in the proceedings book with ISBN.
Form of Participation and Presentation
Online participation: Our participants will make their presentations live through the Zoom program.
Zoom login information and password will be published together with the conference program.
Tel.://Watt.: +994 77 331 98 24
Address: BAKU, Agha Neymetulla 23
Tel/Vatsap: +994 50 252 12 82
- Single room: - 40 manat (including breakfast)
- Double room: - 50 manat (including breakfast)
- Triple room: -70 manat (including breakfast)
Address: BAKU, Hasan Aliyev 92 c
Tel/Vatsap: +994 50 521 15 16
- Single room: - 30 manat (including breakfast)
- Double room: - 40 manat (including breakfast)
- Triple room: - 60 manat (including breakfast)
His life
Hasan Mirzayev was born on November 26 1927 in the village of Govushug, Darelayaz district. After graduating from high school, he In 1948-1950, at the Nakhchivan State Teachers' Institute, In 1951-1955, he received higher education at Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute. H. Mirzayev started his career in 1950 as a secondary school teacher in his native village. In 1955, after completing his higher education, he became an inspector of the regional public education department and a teacher of the Kovushuq village secondary school.
In 1957-1959, he worked as a school director. In 1959-1962, H. Mirzayev studied at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute in postgraduate studies, majoring in Azerbaijani linguistics. After graduating from graduate school, he worked at that institution until the end of his life. He held the positions of teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, professor, head of department and dean in different years. H. Mirzayev candidacy in 1965, In 1988, he defended his doctoral theses and in 1990, he received the scientific title of professor. H. Mirzayev has a unique place in the development of Azerbaijani philological science. He was known for a number of well-known studies on various problems of linguistics. The researches of the scientist, especially regarding the place names of Western Azerbaijan, are of special importance from the point of view of the study of national history. H. Mirzayev published more than 200 scientific works, including 25 books and about 10 textbooks. At the same time, he regularly engaged in artistic creation. In the 1st convocation of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was elected a deputy from the second electoral district of Binagadi No. 22. Hasan Mirzayev was awarded the Order of Glory in 2002 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. In 2007, by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He died on February 25, 2015 in Baku. Hasan Mirzayev was buried in the Second Alley of Honor.